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Showing posts from February, 2018

Yoga Practice Week 4

This week, I still went to Tilton Fitness but attended a "Fitness Yoga" class led by a different instructor named Carlos. His style was different from Sandy's and he foucsed a lot of stretching and Sirsasana which I learned was a head stand. I could definitely feel my core being worked and exercised during this class. He was also very fit and muscular which made sense with his positions and style he teaches I suppose. I wasn't able to master a head stand, but I was able to get into aBakasana (Crow pose)! I was actually really excited and Carols assisted me into this pose at first but I was eventually able to get into this pose on my own by the end of the class! I also noticed that I have been focusing in on my breathing, specifically inhalation and exhalation a lot more.

Yoga Practice Week 3

Again this past Wednesday I did my weekly ritual and attended Sandy's class at Tilton Fitness in Galloway. I was a little disappointed because she changed some of the practice. I felt like I was still trying to master the positions and breathing from last week. This week she focused on eka pada pranamasana and more balance positions which I had difficulty with compared to the other students. By the end of the class, I felt more proficient in balancing however felt as if I still had a long way to go before grasping a good hold on these positions. 

Yoga Practice Week 2

On Wednesday, I went again to Tilton Fitness and participated in their "Fitness Yoga" led by Sandy Poluski. Her class was similar to last week. After the class, I spoke to her about how long she as been a teacher for and where she went to school. She reported that she has been teaching for 5 years and went to Yoga Nine for her schooling and certification. Her style of yoga was mainly Hatha yoga mixed with some other styles. I was suprised to find that her class had a lot of Ashtanga practice. We did the chaturanga multiple times and mainly focused on that. It consisted of high plank, low plank, upward facing dog, and downward facing dog. Overall the class was very relaxing and I enjoyed her style of teaching.