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Showing posts from May, 2018

Yoga Week 14

As this is my final blogpost, I'd like to reflect on this great experience. Between the karma project, essays, and the yoga classes I attended throughout the semester I have had a new appreciation to the emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits from yoga. I not only have felt more relaxed and rested, but my anxiety seems to have diminished because of practicing. This class I went to this week was similar to the previous classes. Sandy focused on the crow position and sirsasana. Everyone in class this week have been going to her classes for a few months now so there were no newbies. She was trying to let us hone these positions. Overall this class has been a wonderful experience and I've actually decided to declare a holistic health minor now because of this. Because I am a nursing major, I had only been exposed to the biomedical approach to healthcare. I now have a new interest in the alternative and holistic health approach. Have a great summer!